- Eris believes Britain is Stronger in the European Union
- Eris is on Amazon Web Services Marketplace
- Eris is on Microsoft Azure
- Eris Industries announces strategic partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Release: v0.11
- We (Finally) Built Eris!
- Deprecation Warnings: What Do They Mean
- Preston presents at the American Banker Digital Currencies & the Blockchain conference
- Operation: Cuddly Critter, Part 1
- Proud to Announce that Version 0.9 of the Eris Platform Has Been Released
- Eris Industries does the CHYP fintech podcast
- Preston presents Eris at Tomorrow's Transactions & panel with Vitalik Buterin
- Preston talks marmots, smart contracts and the IoT on World Crypto Net podcast
- Blockchain 2.0: what it looks like in action
- Bitcoin vs Blockchain: a few thoughts
- Blockchains (& smart contracts) without cryptocurrency, in five tweets.
- Operation: Cuddly Marmot - Eris Industries comes out of hibernation.
- Open Document Monkey: A sketch and proposal
- On Teamwork
- From Blockchains to Eris: a step-by-step guide
- Expanding the Range of the Possible for DApp Makers
- Decerver and Thelonious from a DApp-maker Perspective
- Bounty: #2014MarmotAward for XCP Decerver Module
- Blockchain = low cost infrastructure. But for whom?
- Eris Industries -- Why Do I Do What I Do?
- Eris Industries -- What Are We Building?
- Meet Eris. The distributed computing solution for industry.
- Casey Goes to Switzerland to Talk Eris
- Ethan Lectures At Blockchain U: Eris, Ethereum, and Tendermint
- Rick is a Marmot
- Nina is a Marmot
- Ben is a Marmot
- Jan is a Marmot
- Zach is a Marmot
- Brian is a Marmot